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In this topic, social psychologists will focus on studying how One person can make another person change his mind. change belief or how to change behavior And what are the techniques? whether it is convincing that there are theories or algorithms to be successful asking others to do something for us What should I say to be successful? When should a presenter or expert be used to advertise our products, so persuasive topics are popular and applicable? both in marketing communication to create an image and in business It can also be widely applied. whether it is a campaign for people to change their behavior For example, turn to exercise more. quit smoking not involved in drugs or turn to save energy can save the environment even more Influencing others also includes succumbing to peer pressure. or authority To study whether people will obey the orders of the superior or not.

relationship with others Sure, we can love, hate, help. and can hurt others Social psychologists study all of these because they deal with the relationship between people and people. Social psychologists study love and relationships. since what is love Are there any factors that make people like each other equally? How to maintain a couple's relationship

How can I fix problems in a relationship? love then hate Social psychologists study group discrimination. This means disliking someone or a group of people just because they belong to them, which is an unfair stereotype, such as insulting women. It could cause women to be excluded from becoming leaders in the agency. insulting people from countries that we consider to be underdeveloped, etc.

5 Foods to Boost Your Eye Health

You’ve likely been told at one time or another that if you want healthy eyes, you need to eat carrots. And while the old adage has some truth to it because the beta carotene in carrots is converted to vitamin A – a vitamin that is needed for optimum eye health — there are other, and perhaps even better foods to eat. Here are some of those foods:

1. Spinach

Spinach as well as other dark, leafy greens like kale contain two antioxidants stored in the macula which is that part of the retina that shields the eyes from damaging light. These antioxidants are lutein and zeaxanthin. Lutein is a deep yellow pigment found in the leaves of plants, and zeaxanthin a carotenoid found in the retina of the eye and in many plants like spinach.

And since the eye has a particularly high metabolic rate – as in, they ust a lot of energy – there is an added need for antioxidant protection.